Japan Insights

The latest industry news, interviews, technologies, and resources on Japan.
Market Entry
Business Culture
Industry Trends
Industry Trends

Reinventing manufacturing in a battery-electric world. Toyota’s EV Strategy and the Future of Japan's Auto Industry - Part 3

Have Japanese automakers missed the global EV wave, or is their cautious focus on hybrids a savvy move?
Industry Trends

Charging Ahead or Falling Behind? Toyota’s EV Strategy and the Future of Japan's Auto Industry - Part 1

Have Japanese automakers missed the global EV wave, or is their cautious focus on hybrids a savvy move?
Industry Trends

Missed Opportunity or Calculated Patience? Toyota’s EV Strategy and the Future of Japan's Auto Industry - Part 2

With ambitious targets set for 2026 and beyond, Toyota’s pivot to EVs is finally gaining momentum.
Business Culture

7 Tips To Stay on Top of Negotiations in Japan

Negotiating in Japan can be a unique and enriching experience for Western managers, but it also comes with its own set of challenges.
Business Culture

When in Japan, Your "Customer is God”

In Japan, the old adage "Customer is King" is taken to an even higher level. Japanese businesses display "god-like" reverence toward their customers.
Business Culture

In Japanese Client Relations, Trust is Everything

In Japanese business culture, trust is not just a valued trait — it is an essential ingredient for long-term success.
Business Culture

3 Key Historical Events that Shaped How the Japanese Think About Japan's Role in the Global Economy Today

3 transformative periods in Japan's recent history greatly shape how the Japanese think about their role in the global economy today: A deep dive into the psyche of Japanese business.